It’s November – the fifth season has started. 😉 Now just some observations I made in our garden yesterday and today.
Under our biggest pine tree.
A dandelion and November secrets…
It’s time to start feeding wild birds.
A November apple… Now the apple tree, too, has lost almost all of its leaves.
Hawthorn berries. We have two hawthorn hedges, this is the one that we haven’t cut – and the one that has a lot of berries…
November came for the red oak. But the tree still hangs on to its leaves…
Someone from the couch: “Here’s some observation of November for you…
…I’ll be available again on the first of May, or on the 21st of April at the earliest.”
Me: “What are you doing?”
The tiger: “I’m observing November.”
Me: “Okay. Wait… What?”