Now just pictures from Sunday, Tuesday and yesterday.

They were giving away these ‘bushes’, autumn plants with different colours, at a store, and I chose these three. The Ibiza lizard is covered in snow a bit.

From where I watch television and eat and drink coffee…

We made two ice lanterns for Christmas. I named this one a ‘Red-letter day’…

I was taking a picture of the sun yesterday. It’s was down there hiding behind the trees…

“Well, move!”, I said to myself. “It’s up to you, you know…” ;D

This year I have a pink poinsettia, not a red one. – It was a plan… 😉 I was waiting for some ‘direct sunlight’ to get the poinsettia look natural in a picture… the colours.

Well, hashtag nofilterneeded… Hyacinth. This year one of my hyacinths is a bit different, too. – It’s dark pink, not light pink.

I planted this dwarf spruce in the autumn. And I already have a picture of it on my Instagram without and with these Christmas or winter lights. Here it is in the dark, with the blue Christmas lights. – Blue winter lights, my dream…
And here’s another video from our trail camera, or animal camera that we had in my boyfriend’s forest. Night-time wanderers, moose! :
- Leena