Everything has started to turn green! 🙂 It has been a sunny week again. And it has been warm – around 20 degrees Celsius and even a bit above 20 degrees it has been, in the daytime. Today it’s around 15 degrees Celsius, and they say that it stays that way now. That’s also more normal for us this time of year…
Now a woodcock has started its regular flights here again: “orr, orr, orr, pist!”
The first four pictures I took today:

My coffee, and they are chives… down there. Chives have been growing fast now – they are perennials – were planted here a year ago. They are so delicious! And after a long winter again…..

Grass is growing…

And nettles are growing. It’s nice to sit on the ground and eat tiny, delicious nettle leaves…

Where’s my snow…? ;D

Tiny birch leaves!

Crocus flowers on Tuesday this week.

A pic from yesterday evening. I mark the spots of our ‘surprise’ crocuses so that we won’t step on them before they grow.
By the way, I’ve been posting on my Instagram (owlnatureleena) as well, so trying to have balance between my blog and my Instagram. Well, I’m not actually trying, it has just been flowing naturally, or something… 😀
And today again:

One of our vegetable patches. Last year we had potatoes here, this year something else… We started planting this patch yesterday, and planted onions and peas now first.

The first daffodil or narcissus flower blooming on the ground in our garden.
Oh, greenery…
- Leena