Finland is 100 years old today. And I have another blog post for this Independence Day.
It’s December again, so it’s time to do something crazy… 🙂 A year ago I published here in my blog some of my old writings, three of them. They were all creative writing and poems. Now I publish one more text, the name of the text is just simply “Writing about nature“. – About nature, Finnish nature and my home.
The two pictures in this blog post I took in our garden today. The sun was shining so low and bright, warming my face nicely.
So, this was written by me in spring 2002:
Writing about nature
I am highly grateful that I was born near the countryside even though I must admit that I’m occasionally cursing the fact. In the end, I believe it may be some kind of advantage all the same. Living between wheat and rye fields is a peaceful place for being lost in one’s thoughts, which is an essential thing for me. Nonetheless, too much of anything always is too much, no matter how much I love the sense of mud beside the roads around here.
My words probably are not adequate for describing how much I value the four seasons and Finnish nature. Variation between the weather conditions and the colours of nature are something a human being couldn’t live without, in my point of view. When it comes to religious devotion within nature, in a way, nature truly is divine. I find nature a sacred and splendid thing that is the basis of everything.
I go in for walking out-of-doors every day. Walking in the drizzling darkness of autumn or on a starry, wintry evening in January or on a slightly warm late-summer evening are all equally stimulating and relaxing, by natural turns. Nature is the most ideal place to be when trying to listen to oneself and heal one’s peace of mind. Nature loves a human being if one loves her in return.
Hienoa tekstiä, sopi hyvin itsenäisyyspäivään. Olit vielä aika nuorikin kirjoittaessasi tekstin..
Terveisin -A
Kiitokssii! 🙂 Huomasin juu, että itsenäisyyspäivänä jos koskaan sopii julkaista. Vähän yllätyin kyllä, kun olin jo paljon unohtanut, miten on luontojuttuja silloin joskus tullut kirjoitettua, kun vuosi sitten näitä tekstejä aloin kaivella, muistin kyllä, että jotain runomuotoista olin kirjoittanut ja niiden takia juttuja etsimään aloinkin. “…the sense of mud beside the roads around here” on kyllä ihan oma (ihana!) kokemuksensa, en yhtään ihmettele tuota ilmaustani, vaikka olin sen kyllä jo tyystin unohtanut…
Terveisiä täältä aamukahvilta! Rauhallista joulunodotusta ja hyvää vuoden pimeintä päivää! 🙂