Just making some lists… :p
Okay, this is the first time ever that we have cherries in our garden.

The small cherry tree had 11 flowers and a few cherries. That was so nice!

The young bush cherry had many many flowers, and many cherries, too. And there are still fruits ripening in the bush. I didn’t know what to expect. 😀 Love them!

The first ever ‘open-field’ cucumbers from our garden.

And there’s more growing, this was yesterday. I planted only one plant, one stem, this stem in the pic. Just a delicious experiment…

Cucumbers in our greenhouse. Greenhouse cucumbers grow really well and are so delicious! We’ve already had several.

Two pics that I took yesterday evening when I closed the windows and the door in the greenhouse:

More cucumbers growing…

I wonder if these tiny ones will still grow…
We saw a bat, the first bat here for this year, on 30th July late in the evening. It was flying, flapping in our garden and in the woods.
Some flower pics that I took in our garden yesterday:

Clematis, by the oak tree.

Tricolor daisy and a friend.

Garden rose and a friend.

Red flax and a friend. Friends everywhere in the garden in August. 🙂



They come in August.
Good morning today:

With clarkia amoena or godetia flowers…

And a busy friend here as well. 🙂

A little bit of rain and then sunshine again. It’s nice when it rains a bit, it has been rather dry all summer again.
I Have to go to the library today and I should wash the car…
- Leena