More flower pictures & my Instagram just still does not like me at all…


Accidentally climbed too high? – Hold on tight! I watched this ladybug climbing up and down the blades of grass yesterday. It was funny. 🙂


Good morning! Today, with our cherry tomato plants in the greenhouse. They are growing well and are sturdy. They are Tiny Tim tomato plants, nice. (I love A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.)

Okay, now that we have had some coffee, let us complain a bit… So in my previous blog post I grumbled that I cannot post pictures on my Instagram (“Kuvaa ei julkaistu” – “The picture was not published” it just says) and I cannot change my profile picture there… I forgot to mention that Instagram does store my pictures… I don´t know how to explain this, but I can see the pictures that I have tried to post there, on the spot where we first go to when we are selecting which picture to post, it´s like added to the gallery of my phone on Instagram, but the “filtered” (I usually use the ´normal´ filter) pictures are not in the actual gallery of my phone. (Oh man I´m good at explaining these things…) And I don´t usually have my Facebook app open on my phone, because I usually use my computer, but yesterday I had a good spot to try to post a picture on my Facebook from my phone and, well… yeah, I guessed it already beforehand – my Facebook worked as usual. Saatana.

Let us concentrate on the flowers… I took the following pictures yesterday.


The cherry tree is in bloom. We planted this tree two years ago, and a year ago it had 11 flowers. Now I can´t count the flowers, the tree is not completely full of flowers, but there many many flowers!


The cherry bush is as flowery as ever. We planted this bush cherry in September 2017, and this is the third year that it flowers like this.


Lily of the Valley amongst ferns.




Stars have started to come out in the woods and blue gold is ripening… Chickweed wintergreen or arctic starflower and bilberries. We had a tiny amount of rain yesterday evening, too tiny – everything´s so dry and we also want to collect rainwater… But they say that it should rain a bit more tomorrow.

Today´s pictures:


A pic of what I´m reading, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I haven´t been reading much lately, but now I want books back into my life again.


Lilac flowers, most of the lilac flowers in our garden haven´t opened yet, only a few.


Oh, the scent…


Globeflower, always looking so nice in the middle of all the green.




And the summer began…

And all of a sudden… it’s summer! The summer began on Friday: it was 17 degrees Celsius in the shade already at 9.00 AM and at around 10.15 AM it was already 20 degrees in the shade, and 24 in the shade at 13.30 PM. Yes, I wrote down everything. 😀 It was also the warmest day that we’ve had this year.

We haven’t had any rain now, and all the rain before this was hail and sleet… So a good rain is what the garden and nature need now!

The first four pictures I took on Saturday, first some of the fern in our garden. Aww, those rolls…


I heart…


What did you say?


And we visited the Kauttuankoski rapids again in the evening. On the bridge again, we didn’t go down there by the rapids at all this time, but… look! Over there, inside the ruins of the mill, there’s somebody sitting there!

Can you see her?

Can you see her?

Norway maple

The Norway maple in flower beside our driveway, yesterday morning I took this pic. The tree’s been buzzing with bees in some mornings…

leopard's bane, doronicum

Leopard’s bane or doronicum today, flowers…

narcissus, daffodil

The first two narcissus or daffodil flowers opened yesterday. The other one here in the evening light…

The rest of the pictures I took today.

small grape hyacinth, muscari

Small grape hyacinth or muscari flowering…

small grape hyacinth, muscari


The garden fern growing…


Fern still so small in the woods…


Oh, my peonies! 🙂

peas please

Our peas growing…

Everything is growing now, but we really would need the rain to help us out a bit… But we did already start the lawn mowing. 🙂


More October

Just some more October pics, from last weekend and past few days, in our garden…


In the backyard again…


October strawberry… In a pot. We thought this plant already died in the summer, but it started to grow again… but still ripe strawberries for this year…? – Not gonna happen. 🙂


One tough cornflower. I’ve been visiting this flower regularly during this autumn – and it’s just always there! It’s been facing downwards already for a while. But it’s still there. 🙂



Backyard trees again – more pine trees, two apple trees, a birch tree, a bigger rowan and one other yellow Norway Maple…

annual mallow

And one sturdy annual mallow! This flower hasn’t fully opened up, and it, too, has already been facing downwards, but it’s been there for ages. 😀


Some lovely yellow tiny flowers spotted in our carrot field…


Under our bigger oak tree



Our smaller oak tree. 🙂


Dill, too, was still growing nicely in the ground, despite the cold at nights. Now I’ve picked most of them, some we ate, the rest are drying.


Still some tiny single viola flowers in the pots… Two of them in the pics here, symbols of boldness and strength – in the beginning, these plants were here and here. – Oh dear… 🙂



Some October fern


My next blog post will be about growing tomatoes. 🙂


Rainy day pics

But first one pic from yesterday:


I was playing a surgeon, a seed potato surgeon – you have to be very cautious when you’re taking the seed potatoes out of the net bag packing, because the shoots get so easily detached from the potatoes and then they will not give you any food… or the food will be very slow… 🙂


So yesterday we made our potato field. It was actually hard work… as it always is with garden… hard, but so nice and therapeutic. 🙂 I took this pic today, as well as the rest of the pics in this blog post.


A rainy day, fresh air and expecting it to be even greener after some rain. It hasn’t rained for days, weeks, at least for a bit more than two weeks it has been dry. Now we don’t have to use the tap water to water everything growing in the garden. Have to be grateful. 🙂


OK, I don’t know how to keep up with the rhubarb


These, some fern, we have many, the previous owners of this house have planted them. I’m not sure, but the current man of this house may have planted some, too.


Just some of our fern…


This geometric flower plantation is a man made. 😉

