December’s here and today Finland 99 years – thank you!

About the weather lately… 🙂 It’s been rather interesting… On Friday 25th November we had snow the whole day, then at night… water… on Saturday 26th, no snow, but again on Sunday 27th, snow on the ground the whole day. And after that, many snowy days – a little bit of snow, not like heaps of it… Buuut again yesterday, on Monday 5th December, and today as well, no snow. But it’s cold!


This was on Saturday. There’s been many sunny days, too, the last days of November were sunny as well, so bye bye fifth season! 🙂

By the way, I’ve been using our, mine and Owlnature’s, Instagram (owlnatureleena) – my intention is to take more pics to my Instagram – I mean, more often than I’ve taken before. I’ll still have everything important (and less important) here in Owlnature, but some additional fun (? :)), too, on Instagram…


This was yesterday…

coffee owl

Coffee owl… my morning coffee today. Happy Independence Day! – Today, on 6th December, is the Independence Day in Finland. – 99 years! Thank you! 🙂

pine trees

A sunny day today! When I was taking these four pics, the sun was already on the treetops.

morning coffee owl

Morning coffee magic…

pine trees

“Okay, I’ll do it, I’ll do everything, every thing, but, you know… :

Princess Cat

…one mustn’t rush these things… or to be more specific; one mustn’t rush a thing… Did you know…?”



Cosmos flowers & annual mallow flowers

There are still many cosmos flowers and annual mallow flowers in our garden. And still so many buds of them, too! 🙂 I took these pics of some of the flowers yesterday and today.


Cosmos flowers.





One of the cosmos flowers has this different, interesting colour combination. One petal missing? Charming. 🙂


annual mallow

Annual mallow. Other names for this flower: rose mallow, royal mallow, regal mallow.

annual mallow

annual mallow

I have now started using Owlnature’s Instagram account a bit, too. Our, mine and Owlnature’s, username in Instagram is owlnatureleena. 😉


A few flowers today (+my “pic page” usernames)

I took a little tour with my camera in our garden today, for the newly opened up flowers for this summer. Today is actually a surprisingly warm day.


The Park lilacs or Hungarian lilacs actually have been flowering already for a while now. Our park lilacs don’t have so many flowers this year – last year they were loaded…


Purple-flowering raspberry is, too, planted by the previous owners of this house. I like it! 🙂


Iris. We have these in two different spots in the garden. The other ones were planted by the previous owners of this house, the other bunch by us – we brought them from eastern Finland last summer, my boyfriend’s mother gave them to us. This flower is of that bunch. I love irises, more pics of them later, hopefully. 🙂 Only two flowers have opened up so far, but there’s so many buds.


Daisy. Daisies are already a bit wild in our garden. – Some of them here, some of them there. One here, one there.

Aaand, I love the “pic pages” or apps… Here’s my favourites, and where Owlnature is… I am… so, my usernames: Instagram: owlnatureleena (I’ve used Instagram before, but at this very moment Owlnature doesn’t have any pics there yet, as I just created the account.) Pinterest: owlnature (The same story as with Instagram.) We Heart It: owlnature (This account I started using already in winter.) Yees, maybe I have the real widgets, too, in the sidebar of my blog some day… 🙂
