So now the first blog post here in Owlnature when it’s already officially summer. 🙂 The summer has advanced very quickly in nature and in garden this year. I feel that it’s all been much quicker than a year ago… I mean, the apple flowers for example – it was like a *imagine some sound of magic here* and they were all gone, just as quickly as they came…

First a pic from yesterday… I was sitting on a swing and almost didn’t take a pic at all, but some… magic made me grab my camera, and I’m glad I did! – It was a nice moment to sit on a tire swing by our lake Pyhäjärvi here in Satakunta region.

A moment by the lake Köyliönjärvi over a week ago.
The rest of the pics of this post are from last week.

Globeflowers in our garden. The previous owners of this house have planted these in different spots in the garden. Thanks! One of my favourite perennials.
About the weather lately… last week was hot, but then it became cold – well, you have to have the decent balance of weather here in Finland. 🙂 Yesterday was very nice and today, too, the sun is shining warmly, but the wind is blowing like crazy.

The rest of the pics of this post are pics of lilacs. The first two pics are taken of the lilac bush by the big Norway maple beside our driveway. The lilac flowers, too, are something that seem to like come and go a bit too quickly this summer… but luckily there’s still some time to enjoy the lovely scent of the flowers.
The man who build this house has planted lilacs in three different spots in the garden, and these are only the common lilacs – there are also two bushes of different types of lilacs in our garden, I think they are called park lilacs or Hungarian lilacs and it’s so nice that they bloom a bit later, after the common lilac flowers are already gone…

I somehow always find it a bit difficult to take pics of the lilac flowers, I’m never totally satisfied with my lilac pics. But I encourage and advise everyone, including myself, to take it easy and not to stress about something like the pics, and taking pics, too much. I promote enjoyment and living in the moment, without camera, too! Even when you have a website or a blog! 😀 The right people will enjoy and laugh with you in this life anyway…

Another lilac bush beside the apple trees in the garden.

OK, and now I don’t know what to say anymore… 🙂
Our third lilac bush is beside the woods and a bit under the bush somehow is one of our composts, too. And there are also white lilac flowers, so there are actually two bushes in one. Our other lilac bushes have only violet flowers.

So, still some time to enjoy…